This documents database will be updated accordingly.

Agreement for the Demilitarization of Srebrenica
Signed on 18th of April 1993 between general Mladic and Halilovic in Sarajevo.
ARBiH, 8th OG Srebrenica Naser Oric letter to the general Enver Hadzihasanovic, December 19, 1994
…For the back-up variant, in case of non-achievement of our basic idea, you should designate: Sefer Halilović and Nijaz Mustafić to carry out all the preparations for demolishing the hydro power plant in Bajina bašta…
Delivery letter from Brigadier General Ridderstad, Commandant of the UNPROFOR SI Sector to Naser Oric, February 2, 1995
…Dear Mr. Orić,
Through this shot message I wish to express my regret over the fact that we shall not be able to meet today as planned. Despite all our efforts and the request for the helicopter flight permission, we have not received a response from Pale. Due to that, at least today, it is not possible to travel to Srebrenica. …
ARBiH, Command of the 2nd Corps, Information obtained by RI, June 27, 1995 (attack on Visnjica)
…During the morning hours of 26 June 1995, our forces from the Srebrenica sector attacked and set fire to the village of Višnjica. According to still unconfirmed information, the Serbs had casualties among the civilian population…
ARBiH, Command of the 2nd Corps, Successes and tasks of ARBiH units, June 16, 1995
…It cannot endure for too long such strong, and especially persistent operations and blows on a wide front, thus among other things, it has increased the use of BOt fired from artillery weapons so as to temporarily incapacitate the men in the z/os of the 1st and the 5th Corps, and especially the use of chemical rifle grenades against out forces that are carrying out offensive…
ARBiH, Command of the 2nd Corps, Successes and tasks of ARBiH units, June 22, 1995
…With the aim of proceeding to carry out the ARBiH combat operations as efficiently as possible and creating conditions for the commands and the units to focus exclusively on combat operations, and in accordance with the existing orders issued by the GŠ of the ARBiH and the Command of the 2nd Corps…
ARBiH, Command of the 2nd Corps, Successfully carried out sabotage, June 28, 1995
…Take all measures to prevent [people] from leaving the areas of Srebrenica and Žepa, which is one of the most important tasks for you at this moment, if not even the most important one…
ARBiH, Command of the 8th OG Srebrenica , Weekly report on November 17, 1994.
…On 14 November 1994, diversionary scouting group of the 281st IBLB liquidated 3 enemy soldiers, wounded one, and knows nothing of one, and also confiscated 3 rifles and an insignificant amount of ammunition…
ARBiH, Command of the 28th Division, Operative report for the month of June 1995
…In order to prevent the enemy forces from sending additional forces from the Srebrenica and Žepa areas to the Sarajevo battlefield, two sabotage operations were carried out near Srebrenica – on 23 June 1995 in Osmače, and on 23 June 1995 in Bijelo Stijenje near Koprivno…
ARBiH, Command of the 282nd IBlbr, Report, June 10 1995 (15 mujahedeens from the 283rd)
…15 mujahedeen soldiers from the 283rd IBlbr brigade. The soldiers are 100% armed. There is IDV10 and it is operating in accordance with the plan…
ARBiH, Command RV and PVO, Final Analysis of the Srebrenica and Zepa Airlifts, February 17, 1995

…Srebrenica remained a symbol of defence for a long time. At the beginning of 1993, the Army of RBiH was advancing and at that time Srebrenica had at least some kind of a link. In some places, the Tuzla-Cerska corridor was barely two kilometres wide, but it still existed. …
ARBIH, General Staff of the Army, Preparations for carrying out offensive combat operations, June 17, 1995
…Execute all preparations in the Command of the 28th div of KoV for carrying out the b/ds with the aim of liberating the territory of RBiH, stretching the A/S and inflicting losses on them, [and] coordinate action with the ARBiH forces carrying out operations in the wider sector of Sarajevo…
BiH Staff of the Supreme Comand of OS BiH, Dispatch, Basic Idea for Execution of Task
…Through active combat operations liberate a part of the temporarily occupied territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina – municipalities of Bratunac, Vlasenica, Šekovići, Zvornik, and Kalesija – and link up the free territories of Žepa and Srebrenica with the free territories of Zvornik, Kalesija, and Živinice in order to create a permanent free corridor for the supply of the population, and logistics support to the units of the Army of RBiH…