Facing memory of Serbs in Podrinje – Srebrenica

Serb community in Podrinje – Srebrenica

Srebrenica is located in the central part of the Western Balkans, on the border between the Republic Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and the Republic of Serbia. It is surrounded by the mountain ranges of Kvarc and Karaula, and partly leans to the left bank of the Drina River. Therefore the whole region, including Srebrenica, is called the Central Podrinje.

For more please read the documents we are publishing below.

Excerpt from a book by Dusan Pavlovic
Battle for Srebrenica – War for civilization

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Scientific work by Draga Mastilovic
Massacres of the Serbs in Srebrenica in the 2nd World War 

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General conclusions
Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Sufferingd of All Peoples in the Srebrenica Region between 1992 and 1995.

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